Senin, 11 Februari 2013



Onimusha: Demon Siege 3 (PC/MULTI6/SINGLE) RePack

Posted: 11 Feb 2013 08:39 AM PST

Onimusha: Demon Siege 3 RePack by RG Catalyst
Language: English | French | German | Italian | Spanish | Russian
Release Date: 2005
Mirrors: MightyUpload | UPafile | BillionUploads

Evil will always threaten the world, and there is no difference in what the court of the year - 1582 or 2004, because at all times and on all continents, the Knights of Good will be joining the fight against evil ... and win, not knowing no mercy to himself or to his enemies.

In ancient Japan and modern Paris, in the sixteenth century and the twenty-first unfolding events of the third part of the famous saga of the struggle between good and evil - Onimusha. But this time to help legendary knight Samonoske comes the hero of our time - French police commissioner, Jacques Blanc, a virtual incarnation of the famous actor Jean Reno. Will the two heroes find and defeat his immortal enemy? The answer is in your hands ...

Game Features
  • The two heroes. virtual incarnation of famous actors Jean Reno and Takeshi Kaneshiro affect not only improve graphics performance, but also a brilliant animation, making them ever look like real people.
  • New Look. Replacing painted backgrounds on three-dimensional, with a graphical point of view the game is not only has not lost its appeal, but has also gained a lot of new opportunities to work with the camera. Well and animations created by the studio Robot, the quality can safely argue with such masterpieces as the Final Fantasy X-X2.
  • Incredible story. action takes place in two distant corners of the world, in two different eras, with two heroes, to make a journey through time, in order to once again help the world get rid of the evil forces.

Features RePack:
  • Do not cut / no recoded
  • Option to set different combinations of locations
  • Installation time ~ 5 minutes


System Requirements
  • Operating system: Windows XP / Seven
  • Processor: 2 GHz
  • Memory: 512 MB
  • Video: 64 MB
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
  • Free hard drive space: 1.15 GB

Link download
Mirror via UPafile
Mirror via MightyUpload
Mirror via BillionUploads

1. Unrar
2. Install the game
3. Play
4. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!

Pengertian Shared dan Dedicated Memory

Posted: 11 Feb 2013 07:34 AM PST

Pengertian Shared dan Dedicated Memory

Pada semua unit Komputer, Notebook maupun Laptop, memory memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam hal performa, terutama saat menjalankan program-program yang berhubungan dengan grafis, baik itu video editing, desain grafis, ataupun permainan (Game). Menurut penggunaannya Memory di bagi menjadi 2 jenis yaitu Shared memory dan Dedicate memory:

1. Shared memory: Disebut begitu jika video memory disatukan penggunaannya dengan system memory (RAM). Jadi secara fisik hanya ada 1 modul memory yang dipakai bersama oleh video graphics array (VGA) dan sistem.
2. Dedicated memory: Sesuai namanya, Ada 1 modul memori yang hanya didedikasikan untuk penggunaan 1 instansi, misalnya VGA card. Ini berarti ada 2 modul memory dalam 1 laptop, modul 1 sebagai RAM sedangkan modul 2 sebagai VRAM (video RAM/video memory)

Lalu, manakah yang lebih bagus ? 
tentu saja, dapat dipastikan bahwa yang terbaik adalah tipe 2. Karena masing-masing proses dapat ditangani secara independen. Karena 2 proses berjalan pada waktu yang sama, maka bisa dibayangkan jika proses 2 perangkat itu (sistem dan VGA) digabung dalam 1 memory, maka akan terjadi kesibukan transfer data yang akan menurunkan kecepatan memory. Ujung-ujungnya, performance laptop terimbas.

Bagaimana caranya kita tau bahwa suatu unit pc menggunakan shared atau dedicated memory ? 
Jika hal ini di tanyakan pada kebanyakan penjual, biasanya mereka bingung atau memberi jawaban ragu-ragu. Namun anda bisa mengecek sendiri yaitu dengan cara hidupkan windowsnya dan masuk ke system properties (terserah mau gimana masuknya) Asumsikan bahwa RAM laptop sebesar 1GB. Disana akan ada info prosesor dan besar memori yang terpasang. Nah, jika besar memori hanya tampil disekitar 700an MB, berarti tipe memorinya adalah shared (256 MB di potong video memory), akan tetapi jika yang tampil 0.99 GB (dibulatkan jadi 1GB) berarti termasuk tipe dedicated memory. 

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